List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Analyzing Models, Laws
Contents: Kernel

Action: Computes all the locations where two laws are equal to one another over a given interval.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/law_scm.cxx

Syntax: (law:nsolve law1 law2 low-lim up-lim)

Arg Types: law1 law | string | real | position |

par-pos | gvector

law2 law | string | real | position |

par-pos | gvector

low-lim real

up-lim real

Returns: (real | (real ...))

Description: This returns a list of number of real value represents where the two laws are equal over a given range.

law1 can be a defined law, a law string, or a constant number.

law2 can be a defined law, a law string, or a constant number.

low-lim and up-lim are two real values that specify the interval.

Example: ; law:nsolve

; Define two laws and find where equal on interval.

(law:nsolve "x" "x^3" -2 2)

;; (-1.0 0 1.0)