List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Analyzing Models, Laws
Contents: Kernel

Action: Creates a law which is the algebraic simplification of the given law.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/law_scm.cxx

Syntax: (law:simplify law)

Arg Types: law law | string | real | position |

par-pos | gvector

Returns: law

Description: The simplifier should always produce a law that is algebraically equivalent to the given law, but it may fail to simplify the law completely. Its original intent was to remove 0's and 1's from derivatives.

law can be a defined law, a law string, or a constant number.

Example: ; law:simplify

; Create a new law.

(define law1 (law "x^2/x-3*x"))

;; law1

; Simplify the given law.

(define simplaw2 (law:simplify law1))

;; simplaw2

; Simplify the given law.

(define simplaw (law:simplify "x^2/x-3*x"))

;; simplaw