List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Modeler Control
Contents: Kernel

Action: Gets a list of available options and their associated values.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/opt_scm.cxx

Syntax: (option:list)

Arg Types: None

Returns: ((string . integer | real | boolean | position | string) ... )

Description: The extension returns a list of pairs of option names and values. The list displayed is bound by the variable print-length. It may be insufficient to display the whole list. If the whole list is not printed, try increasing the print length to 200 using the following:

(fluid-let ((print-length 200))

(print (option:list)))

Example: ; option:list

; Get a list of some of the options and their values.

; If not all of the options are displayed using

; the list command try the following command

; which increases the print-length

; (fluid-let ((print-length 200))

; (print (option:list)))


;; (("abl_c#aps" . #t)

;; ("abl_off_x#curves" . #f)

;; ("abl_rem#ote_ints" . #f)

;; ("abl_require_on#_support" . #t)

;; ("abort_on_illegal_surface" . #t)

;; ("adaptive#_grid" . #f)

;; ("adaptive_t#riangles" . #f)

;; ("add_bl_atts" . #f)

;; ("addr#ess_debug" . #t)

;; ("align_corners" . #t)

;; ("align_first_wire" . #f)

;; ("all_free_edges" . #f)

;; ("angular_control" . #t)

;; ("anno#tations" . #f)

;; ("api_checking" . #t)

;; ("approx#_eval" . #t)

;; ("approx-vbl_off#set" . #t)

;; ("auto_disp#lay" . #t)

;; ("backup_boxes" . #t)

;; ("bb_immediate_close" . #f)

;; ("bend_debug_file" . "")

;; ("bend_self_int" . #f)

;; ("bhl_smooth_edges" . #t)

;; ("bhl_smooth_surfaces" . #t)

;; ("bhl-use_ds_patch" . #f)

;; ("bhl-use_iso_approx" . #f)

;; ("bhl-use_iso_patch" . #f)

;; ("binary_format" . #f)

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