List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Patterns
Contents: Kernel

Action: Creates a polar-grid pattern.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/pattern_scm.cxx

APIs: api_polar_grid_pattern

Syntax: (pattern:polar-grid center normal num dist

[start] [not-rotate=#f] [hex-symmetry=#f]

[start-angle=0] [end-angle=360] [ratio=1])

Arg Types: center position

normal gvector

num integer

dist real

start gvector

not-rotate boolean

hex-symmetry boolean

start-angle real

end-angle real

ratio real

Returns: pattern

Description: Creates a two-dimensional polar-grid pattern. The pattern coordinates are specified in the order (radial, angular).

center defines the root position (that may or may not lie upon the seed entity).

normal vector sets the orientation of the pattern.

num specifies the number of rings in the grid (including the center).

dist specifies the distance between the rings.

start is an optional argument that specifies the direction of the first spoke of the pattern.

If not-rotate is true (#t), the elements of the pattern are kept in a fixed relative orientation.

If hex-symmetry is true (#t), the hexagonal symmetry is maintained for patterns extending either 360 or 180 degrees.

start-angle and end-angle arguments fix the angular extent of the pattern.

ratio argument sets the ratio of minor/major radii at the pattern perimeter.

Example: ; pattern:polar-grid

; make a prism

(define height 1)

;; height

(define maj_rad 1)

;; maj_rad

(define min_rad 0.5)

;; min_rad

(define num_sides 3)

;; num_sides

(define prism (solid:prism height

maj_rad min_rad num_sides))

;; prism

; position the prism

(define origin (position 1 2 3))

;; origin

(define transform (entity:transform prism


origin (gvector 1 0 0) (gvector 0 1 0))))

;; transform

; make a pattern

(define center origin)

;; center

(define normal (gvector 0 0 1))

;; normal

(define num_rings 5)

;; num_rings

(define spacing 4)

;; spacing

(define pat (pattern:polar-grid

center normal num_rings spacing))

;; pat

; apply the pattern to the prism

(define body (entity:pattern prism pat))

;; body