List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Patterns
Contents: Kernel

Action: Scales a single element of an existing pattern.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/pattern_scm.cxx

Syntax: (pattern:scale-element pat coords scale root)

Arg Types: pat pattern

coords real

scale real | gvector

root position

Returns: pattern

Description: Scales the element specified by coords of an existing pattern about the position root by an amount scale.

pat specifies a pattern.

coords identify the element in the pattern.

scale argument specifies the scale value to be applied. The scale may be a real number, for uniform scaling, or a vector, for non-uniform scaling.

root specifies the neutral point about which the scaling takes place (i.e., the point on the seed entity that remains fixed while the entity's dimensions are altered).

Example: ; pattern:scale-element

; make a prism

(define height 1)

;; height

(define maj_rad 1)

;; maj_rad

(define min_rad 0.5)

;; min_rad

(define num_sides 3)

;; num_sides

(define prism (solid:prism height maj_rad min_rad num_sides))

;; prism

; position the prism

(define origin (position 1 2 3))

;; origin

(define trans (entity:transform prism

(transform:axes origin

(gvector 1 0 0) (gvector 0 1 0))))

;; trans

; make a pattern

(define center origin)

;; center

(define normal (gvector 0 0 1))

;; normal

(define num-radial 4)

;; num-radial

(define num-angular 5)

;; num-angular

(define spacing 3)

;; spacing

(define pat (pattern:radial center normal

num-radial num-angular spacing))

;; pat

; modify the pattern

(define scaling 2)

;; scaling

(define root origin)

;; root

(set! pat (pattern:scale-element pat

(list 0 0) scaling root))

;; #[pattern

;; trans-vec: "DOMAIN(VEC(-1,0,0)*COS

;; (1.256637061435917*X2)*3*X+VEC

;; (0,-1,0)*SIN(1.256637061435917*X2)

;; *3*X+VEC (1,2,3),0,3,0,4)"

;; x-vec: "VEC(-1,0,0)*COS

;; (1.256637061435917*X2)+VEC

;; (0,-1,0)*SIN(1.256637061435917*X2)"

;; y-vec: "VEC(0,0,1)"

;; z-vec: "null_law"

;; scale: "null_law"

;; keep: "PIECEWISE(X>0,X,X2<1)"

;; [list]]

; apply the pattern to the prism

(define body (entity:pattern prism pat))

;; body

(law:equal-test (length (entity:vertices body)) 96)

;; #t