List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Ray Testing
Contents: Kernel

Action: Adds a ray to the ray queue.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/ray_scm.cxx

Syntax: (ray:queue posx posy posz vecx vecy vecz radius)

Arg Types: posx real

posy real

posz real

vecx real

vecy real

vecz real

radius real

Returns: ray

Description: The parameters describe the position and vector for a ray as six reals. The given ray is constructed and added to the ray queue. It may later be read by read-ray.

posx, posy and posz specifies the x, y and z positions of the ray.

vecx, vecy and vecz specifies the x, y and z components of the ray vector.

radius is used for picking.

Example: ; ray:queue

; Create a ray and add it to the ray queue

(ray:queue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

;; #[ray (1 2 3) (0.455842 0.569803 0.683763)]