List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Ray Testing
Contents: Kernel

Action: Reads a ray from the ray queue or from a pick-event.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/ray_scm.cxx

Syntax: (read-ray)

Returns: ray

Description: If the ray queue contains a ray, it is removed and returned and the ray size option is set from the queued information. Otherwise, a pick-event is read, using read-event, and converted to a ray. If journaling is on, a (ray: queue ....) command is written to the journal file. This results in a ray in the queue when the journal is replayed.

If the pick-event is from the right mouse button, the ray vector is set to an invalid zero length. This can be used as a stop condition in picking loops.

Example: ; read-ray

; Create a ray using the mouse.


; Use the left mouse button to create a pick-event.

;; #[ray (94.7806 -194.257 116.706)

;; (-0.408248 0.816497 -0.408248)]