List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Physical Properties
Contents: Kernel

Action: Reverse evaluates a position on a parametric surface.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/surf_scm.cxx

Syntax: (surface:point-perp srf pos)

Arg Types: srf surface

pos position pair (position

point_on_surface gvector

Returns: boolean

Description: Given a surface and a position on the surface, this extension returns the surface position and gvector.

srf specifies a parametric surface.

pos specifies a position on the surface.

Example: ; surface:point-perp

; Create a conical surface.

(define cone1(face:cone (position 20 20 4)

(position 20 20 8)2.5 0 0 360 0.6))

;; cone1

; Demonstrate the C++ function surface::point_perp()

; through the Scheme interface.

(surface:point-perp (surface:from-face cone1)

(position 22 20 2.5))

;; (#[position 23.0337078651685 20 3.14606741573034] ;; #[gvector 0.847998304005088 0 0.52999894000318]

;; #[par-pos -0.402799194402416 0])