List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Physical Properties
Contents: Kernel

Action: Returns the parameter range of a surface.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/surf_scm.cxx

Syntax: (surface:range srf [box-pos-1 box-pos-2])

Arg Types: srf surface

box-pos-1 position

box-pos-2 position

Returns: pair

Description: Given a surface and (optionally) a 3-space box, returns the u and v parameter ranges of the surface. Interfaces to the C++ surface::param_range member function.

The returned value is a pair with the first being the u range and the second one being the v range. Note #f is used when any end of an interval is unbounded, so for example, (0 . #f) represents an interval starting at 0 but which is unbounded above. An empty interval can be recognized by the first value of the pair being greater than the second.

srf specifies a surface.

box-pos-1 defines the first of diagonal corners of an option box.

box-pos-2 defines the other diagonal corner.

Example: ; surface:range

; Create a conical surface.

(define cone1 (face:cone (position 20 20 4)

(position 20 20 8) 2.5 0 0 360 0.6))

;; cone1

(surface:range (surface:from-face cone1))

;; ((#f . 1.88679622641132)

;; (-3.14159265358979 . 3.14159265358979))