List of: Functions
Subjects: Laws
Contents: Kernel

Action: Creates a law from a string and an optional array of law data.

Prototype: outcome api_str_to_law (

const char* str, // string of law to be

// created

law** answer, // array of supporting

// data used in the law

// creation

law_data** data // size of the law

= NULL, // data array

int size // returns created law

= 0,

AcisOptions* ao = NULL // acis options


Includes: #include "kernel/acis.hxx"

#include "kernel/kernapi/api/api.hxx"

#include "kernel/kernapi/api/kernapi.hxx"

#include "lawutil/law_base.hxx"

#include "lawutil/law_data.hxx"

#include "kernel/kernapi/api/acis_options.hxx"

Description: This API parses a character string (str), generates the associated law classes, and returns a pointer to the top-level law that was created (answer). Deriving the law class and all associated classes individually is possible. However, it is more likely that api_str_to_law and law string parsing will be employed, because it is easier and more straightforward to implement.

The valid syntax for the character strings (str) in the law mathematical functions are given in the law symbol templates. The law mathematical functions support nesting of law symbols. Once the character string (str) has been created, it is passed to api_str_to_law along with a pointer to an output law (answer), an array of law data (data), and the size of the law data array (size).

The unary_law, binary_law, and multiple_law classes are used if the application is passing only laws into a law class, in which case it becomes a pointer to a law or an array of pointers to laws, respectively. Numbers, positions, parametric positions, vectors, and vector fields, in addition to the law symbols, are passed as input to the api_str_to_law and become laws for these purposes.

On the other hand, the unary_data_law and multiple_data_law classes are used if the application is passing more complicated structures into a law class. These could be curves, wires, surfaces, transforms, or even laws. Instead of having a pointer to a law or an array of pointers to laws, the unary_data_law and multiple_data_law classes have a pointer to a law_data class or an array of pointers to law_data classes, respectively.

Library: kernel

Filename: kern/kernel/kernapi/api/kernapi.hxx

Effect: Read-only