List of: Functions
Subjects: SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Action: Reads a logical.

Prototype: logical read_logical (

char const* false_str // string for FALSE

= "F",

char const* true_str // string for TRUE

= "T"


Includes: #include "kernel/acis.hxx"

#include "kernel/kernutil/fileio/fileio.hxx"

#include "baseutil/logical.h"

Description: (false_string, true_string, {or any_valid_string}): Appropriate string written with C printf format "%s ". Reads a logical value. Up to LOGICAL_VERSION, this was an integer 0 or 1. Later than that in text files it has been keywords defaulting to "T" or "F". For generality, accept an integer value or any blank-terminated string starting with the first character of either of the given strings. ActiveFile is a FileInterface object and does most of the actual work.

return ActiveFile ? ActiveFile->read_logical(false_str, true_str) : FALSE;
Call the appropriate SatFile or SabFile method

Library: kernel

Filename: kern/kernel/kernutil/fileio/fileio.hxx

Effect: Read-only