List of: Classes
Subjects: SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Defines the BinaryFile class for doing ACIS save and restore to binary files.

Derivation: BinaryFile : FileInterface : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/kernutil/fileio/binfile.hxx

Description: This is an abstract base class. It implements most of the virtual methods which are used by all of the binary file formats.

If there is a need to save and restore ACISENTITY data in binary form to a target other than a FILE*, then it is advisable to derive a new class from this one rather than directly from FileInterface.

Data: protected int read_long_size;

Size of the long.

protected int write_long_size;

Output size.

protected logical big_end;

Big/little-endian flag.

protected logical need_swap;

Is byte swapping needed.

Constructor: public: BinaryFile::BinaryFile ();

C++ allocation constructor requests memory for this object but does not populate it.

Destructor: public: virtual BinaryFile::~BinaryFile ();

C++ destructor for BinaryFile which deallocates memory.

Methods: protected: virtual TaggedData::DataType

BinaryFile::read_data_type ();

Read a data type. The return type is TaggedData::DataType. The read_data_type method is a virtual method of BinaryFile.

protected: virtual TaggedData::DataType

BinaryFile::read_type ();

Reads the data type.

protected: virtual TaggedData::DataType

BinaryFile::test_type (

TaggedData::DataType // data type

type_wanted, // type wanted

int error_num // error number

= 0 //


Reads the next data type tag, and checks to see if it is the required type. If it is not the required type, it signals an error.

public: virtual FilePosition BinaryFile::goto_mark (

FilePosition // new file position

) = 0;

This method repositions the file pointer and must be implemented for each class derived from BinaryFile. In a normal save that does not require writing the ENTITY count to the ACIS header, this is only used to reposition the file pointer if there is an error reading the header.

protected: virtual size_t BinaryFile::read (

void* buffer, // buffer name

size_t length, // length

logical swap // support byte swapping?

) = 0;

This method reads the data and must be implemented for all derived classes.

protected: logical BinaryFile::read_an_int (

int long_size,
// long size

int& retval
// return value


Read the integer.

protected: virtual size_t BinaryFile::read_and_test (

void* data, // data

size_t num_bytes, // number of bytes

logical swap // support byte swapping?


Read in a given number of bytes of data and signal a sys_error if not enough data was read.

public: virtual char BinaryFile::read_char ();

Read a character.

public: virtual TaggedData* BinaryFile::read_data ();

Read the data type and the subsequent datum of that type.

public: virtual double BinaryFile::read_double ();

Read a double.

public: virtual int BinaryFile::read_enum (

enum_table const& // table


Reads in the enumeration table.

public: virtual float BinaryFile::read_float ();

Reads a float.

public: virtual logical BinaryFile::read_header (

int&, // first integer

int&, // second integer

int&, // third integer

int& // fourth integer


Reads a header string.

public: virtual int BinaryFile::read_id (

char*, // buffer to read from

// buffer size or -1 for

// no limit

= 0


Reads an identifier.

public: virtual logical BinaryFile::read_logical (

const char* f // character string that

= "F", // requests FALSE

const char* t // character string that

= "T" // requests TRUE


Reads the logical.

public: virtual long BinaryFile::read_long ();

Reads the long.

public: virtual void* BinaryFile::read_pointer ();

Reads the pointer.

public: virtual SPAposition

BinaryFile::read_position ();

Reads the position.

public: virtual short BinaryFile::read_short ();

Reads the short.

public: virtual char* BinaryFile::read_string (

int& // length


Reads the string.

public: virtual size_t BinaryFile::read_string (

char*, // title

size_t maxlen // maximum length

= 0


Reads the string.

public: virtual

size_t BinaryFile::read_string_length (

TaggedData::DataType // data type


Reads the string length.

public: virtual logical

BinaryFile::read_subtype_end ();

Reads the subtype end.

public: virtual logical

BinaryFile::read_subtype_start ();

Reads subtype start.

protected: virtual TaggedData::DataType

BinaryFile::read_type ();

Reads the data type.

public: virtual SPAvector BinaryFile::read_vector ();

Reads the vector.

protected: virtual long

BinaryFile::safe_read_long ();

The long value.

protected: virtual void

BinaryFile::safe_write_long (

// long


Used to convert between 32 and 64 bit formats.

protected: virtual void BinaryFile::safe_write_long_tagged (

// data type

// long


Used to convert between 32 and 64 bit formats.

public: virtual FilePosition

BinaryFile::set_mark () = 0;

This method repositions the file pointer and must be implemented for each class derived from BinaryFile. In a normal save that does not require writing the ENTITY count to the ACIS header, this is only used to reposition the file pointer if there is an error reading the header.

protected: virtual void BinaryFile::write (

const void* data, // data

size_t len, // length

logical swap // support byte swapping?

) = 0;

This method writes the data and must be implemented for all derived classes.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_char (

char // character to write


Writes the character.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_double (

double // double to be written


Writes the double.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_enum (

int, // value to be written

enum_table const& // enumeration table


Writes value to enumeration table.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_float (

float // float to be written


Writes the float.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_header (

int, // first integer

int, // second integer

int, // third integer

// fourth integer


Writes the header.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_id (

const char*, // entity identifier

// integer


Writes an entity identifier.

public: virtual void

BinaryFile::write_literal_string (

const char*, // string to be written

size_t len // length

= 0


Writes the literal string.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_logical (

logical, // logical to be written

const char* f // represents FALSE

= "F",

const char* t // represents TRUE

= "T"


Writes a logical.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_long (

long // long to be written


Writes a long.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_pointer (

void* // pointer to be written


Writes a pointer.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_position (

const SPAposition& // position to be written


Writes a position.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_short (

short // short to be written


Writes a short.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_string (

const char*, // string to be written

size_t len // length

= 0


Writes a string.

public: virtual void

BinaryFile::write_subtype_end ();

Writes a subtype end.

public: virtual void

BinaryFile::write_subtype_start ();

Writes a subtype start.

protected: virtual void BinaryFile::write_tagged (

TaggedData::DataType tp, // data type

const void* data, // data

size_t size, // size

logical swap // support byte swapping?


Writes tagged data.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_terminator ();

Writes a terminator.

public: virtual void BinaryFile::write_vector (

const SPAvector& // vector to be written


Writes a vector.