List of: Classes
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Geometric Analysis
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Specifies the curve bounds of interest.

Derivation: curve_bounds : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/kernint/intcusf/cusfint.hxx

Description: This class describes the start and end of a curve, with particular reference to a curve-surface intersection.

References: BASE SPAparameter, SPAposition

Data: public SPAparameter end_param;

The end parameter on the curve.

public SPAparameter start_param;

The start parameter on the curve.

public point_surf_rel end_rel;

The end relation. TRUE means that the end point is on the surface; FALSE means that the end point is off the surface.

public point_surf_rel start_rel;

The start relation. TRUE means that the start point is on the surface; FALSE means that the start point is off the surface.

public SPAposition end_point;

The end position, which can be NULL.

public SPAposition start_point;

The start position, which can be NULL.

Constructor: public: curve_bounds::curve_bounds (

curve const&,

// curve

SPAposition const&

// start position

= * (SPAposition*) NULL_REF, // on curve

SPAposition const&

// end position

= * (SPAposition*) NULL_REF
// on curve


C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments.

Creates curve bounds given the curve and the start and end positions on the curve.

public: curve_bounds::curve_bounds (

logical, // start relation

SPAposition const&, // start position

double, // start param. on curve

logical, // end relation

SPAposition const&, // end position

double // end parameter on curve


C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments.

Creates curve bounds given the start and end relations, positions, and parameters. If the start or end relation is TRUE, it means that the start or end point, respectively, is on the surface. If the start position or end position is NULL, that side of the cure is unbounded for the intersection.

public: curve_bounds::curve_bounds (

SPAposition const&, // start position

double, // start parameter

SPAposition const&, // end position

double // end parameter


C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments.

Creates curve bounds given the start and end positions and parameters. If the start position or end position is NULL, that side of the cure is unbounded for the intersection.

Methods: public: void curve_bounds::debug (

FILE* // file name

= debug_file_ptr

) const;

Writes debug information about curve_bounds to the printer or to the specified file.

Related Fncs: delete_curve_surf_ints