List of: Classes
Subjects: Intersectors
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Represents the intersection of a curve with another curve and returns the intersections as a list.

Derivation: curve_curve_int : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/kernint/intcucu/intcucu.hxx

Description: This class represents the intersection of a curve (curve1) with another curve (curve2). The intersections are returned as a list. The list can be walked using the "next" member of the class. This class saves the intersection point as int_point, and saves its corresponding parameter on curve1 as param1, and on curve2 as param2. The relation between curve1 and curve2 at this intersection point are saved as low_rel, which is the relation on the lower parameter side of the intersection and high_rel, which is higher parameter side of the intersection with respect to curve1.

References: BASE SPApar_pos, SPAposition

Data: public curve_curve_int *next;

Pointer to allow linked lists of curve_curve_ints.

public curve_curve_rel high_rel;

Relation of curves on the higher-parameter side of curve1.

public curve_curve_rel low_rel;

Relation of curves on the lower-parameter side of curve1.

public curve_curve_userdata *userdata;

Pointer to an arbitrary object to store user data. If non-NULL, it is deleted when this object is deleted. It is the responsibility of the user's class derived from this to ensure that the destructor does what is necessary.

public double param1;

Intersection parameter on curve1.

public double param2;

Intersection parameter on curve2.

public logical uv_set;

TRUE if the surface parameters have been set. FALSE by default.

public SPApar_pos uv;

Surface parameters if the curves are known to lie on a surface.

public SPAposition int_point;

Intersection point.

Constructor: public: curve_curve_int::curve_curve_int (

curve_curve_int*, // "next" list pointer

SPAposition const&, // intersection point

double, // first curve parameter

double, // second curve parameter

SPApar_pos& // actual param

= * (SPApar_pos* ) NULL_REF


C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments.

Destructor: public: curve_curve_int::~curve_curve_int ();

C++ destructor, deleting a curve_curve_int.

Methods: public: void curve_curve_int::debug (

FILE* // file name

= debug_file_ptr


Writes debug information about curve_curve_int to standard output or to the specified file.