List of: Classes
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Geometric Analysis
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Implements a linked list of parameter values at which a curve has a C1 (tangent direction) or G1 (tangent magnitude) discontinuity.

Derivation: curve_irregularities : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/spline/sg_bs3c/bs3ccont.hxx

Description: This class implements a linked list of parameter values at which a curve has a C1 (tangent direction) or G1 (tangent magnitude) discontinuity.

Data: public curve_irregularities *next;

The next in curve irregularity in the list and is NULL terminated.

public double par_val;

The parameter value at which the discontinuity exists.

public irr_type ir;

Type of irregularity: either C1 (tangent direction) or G1 (tangent magnitude) discontinuity.