List of: Classes
Subjects: Mathematics
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Defines a 3 X 3 tensor.

Derivation: tensor : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/kernutil/tensor/tensor.hxx

Description: This class defines a 3 X 3 general tensor. Examples of tensors include the inertia tensor of mass-property calculations, and the second-order gradient of an implicit function of the three spatial variables x, y, and z.

Constructor: public: tensor::tensor ();

C++ allocation constructor requests memory for this object but does not populate it.

public: tensor::tensor (

symtensor const& // symmetric tensor


C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments.

Methods: public: void tensor::debug (

char const*, // leader

FILE* // file name

= debug_file_ptr

) const;

Prints a tensor in three rows with a given leader string on each row bar first.

public: double tensor::element (

int row, // row

int col // column

) const;

Extracts an element (i,j), where row and column, i and j, range from 0 to 2.

public: tensor const& tensor::operator*= (

double // double value


Multiplies a tensor by a double.

public: tensor const& tensor::operator*= (

SPAmatrix const& // matrix


Transforms a tensor by a 3 X 3 (orthogonal) matrix. This method pre-multiplies tensor by the matrix, and then post-multiplies the result by the transpose of the matrix.

public: tensor const& tensor::operator*= (

SPAtransf const& // transformation


Transforms a tensor by a 3 X 3 transformation. This method performs the matrix multiplication for the rotation part, then it multiplies by the scaling factor twice. Any translation part is ignored. This method treats the tensor like a vector (as opposed to a position or unit vector).

public: tensor const& tensor::operator+= (

tensor const& // tensor


Performs the unary plus operation.

public: tensor const& tensor::operator-= (

tensor const& // tensor


Performs the unary minus operation.

public: void tensor::set_element (

int, // ith value

int, // jth value

double // value to be set


Sets an element (i,j), where i and j range from 0 to 2.

public: void tensor::zero ();

Zeroes all elements of the tensor.

Related Fncs: outer, sym_outer

friend: tensor operator* (

double, // double value

tensor const& // tensor


Multiplies a tensor by a double.

friend: tensor operator* (

tensor const&, // tensor

double // double value


Multiplies a tensor by a double.

friend: tensor operator* (

tensor const&, // tensor

SPAmatrix const& // matrix


Transforms a tensor by a 3 x 3 (orthogonal) matrix. This method pre-multiplies the tensor by the matrix, then it post-multiplies the result by the transpose of the matrix.

friend: tensor operator* (

tensor const&, // tensor

SPAtransf const& // transformation


Transforms a tensor by a general transformation. This method does a matrix multiplication for the rotation part, and then multiplies it by the scaling factor twice any translation part is ignored. This treats the tensor on a par with a vector (as opposed to a position or unit vector).

friend: tensor operator+ (

tensor const&, // tensor

tensor const& // tensor


Performs a binary plus operation.

friend: tensor operator- (

tensor const& // tensor


Performs a unary minus operation.

friend: tensor operator- (

tensor const&, // first tensor

tensor const& // second tensor


Performs a binary minus operation.