List of: Classes
Subjects: Blending, SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Defines a constant cross section radius for a variable radius function.

Derivation: var_rad_fixed_width : var_radius : ACIS_OBJECT : -

SAT Identifier: "fixed_width"

Filename: kern/kernel/sg_husk/vrbln/var_rad.hxx

Description: This radius is an implicit function of the parameter v. It cannot be evaluated explicitly as r(v) without partially evaluating the blend surface itself.

Constructor: public: var_rad_fixed_width::var_rad_fixed_width ();

C++ allocation constructor requests memory for this object but does not populate it.

public: var_rad_fixed_width::var_rad_fixed_width (

double width // given width


C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments.

public: var_rad_fixed_width::var_rad_fixed_width (

var_rad_fixed_width const& old // given width


C++ copy constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data from the object supplied as an argument.

Destructor: public: virtual

var_rad_fixed_width::~var_rad_fixed_width ();

C++ destructor, deleting a var_fixed_width.

Methods: public: virtual var_radius*

var_rad_fixed_width::copy (

void // pointer to data

) const;

Copies a var_rad_fixed_width.

public: virtual void var_rad_fixed_width::debug (

const char* leader, // leader string

FILE* fp // file pointer

= debug_file_ptr

) const;

Outputs a leader line and details about the var_rad_fixed_width to the debug file or to the specified file.

public: virtual double

var_rad_fixed_width::end_deriv1() const;

Returns the end of the first derivative.

public: virtual double

var_rad_fixed_width::end_radius() const;

Returns the end of the radius.

public: virtual int

var_rad_fixed_width::form () const;

Returns the form FIXED_WIDTH.

public: virtual logical var_rad_fixed_width::

implicit_var_radius () const;

Returns TRUE for a var_rad_fixed_width.

public: virtual logical

var_rad_fixed_width:: is_constant (

double* // tolerance

) const;

Determines whether the input is constant.

public: virtual logical

var_rad_fixed_width::is_zero (

double eps // zero tolerance

) const;

Returns TRUE if a radius function is zero everywhere, to within a given tolerance; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

public: virtual bs2_curve

var_rad_fixed_width::make_bs2 () const;

Returns a bs2_curve representation of this radius function.

public: virtual logical

var_rad_fixed_width::operator!= (

var_radius const& other // variable radius

) const;

Tests the two var_rad_fixed_widths to see if they are not equal.

public: virtual void

var_rad_fixed_width::operator*= (

SPAtransf const& // transformation


Transforms the var_rad_fixed_width. Only scaling is significant here.

public: virtual logical

var_rad_fixed_width::operator== (

var_radius const& other // variable radius

) const;

Implements an assignment operator, which tests to see if a .var_rad_fixed_width is equal to a var_radius

public: virtual void

var_rad_fixed_width::restore_data ();

Restore the data for a var_rad_fixed_width from a save file.

var_radius::restore_data Save the underlying data


radius width

public: virtual void

var_rad_fixed_width::save () const;

Saves the form or id, calls a save_data, then saves width data.

public: void var_rad_fixed_width::set_width (

double width // width value


Sets the width of the radius.

public: virtual double

var_rad_fixed_width::start_deriv1() const;

Returns the start of the first derivative.

public: virtual double

var_rad_fixed_width::start_radius() const;

Returns the start of the radius.

public: virtual char const*

var_rad_fixed_width::type_name () const;

Returns the string "fixed_width".

public: double var_rad_fixed_width::width () const;

Gets the width of a var_rad_fixed_width.

public: virtual logical

var_rad_fixed_width::zero_end_deriv1 (

logical, // at start point if true

double // tolerance

= SPAresabs

) const;

Returns TRUE if the first derivative at the start or end point of the var_rad_fixed_width is zero (i.e., less than SPAresabs).

public: virtual logical

var_rad_fixed_width::zero_end_radius (

logical, // at start point if true

double tol // tolerance

= SPAresabs

) const;

Returns TRUE if the radius at the start or end point of the var_rad_fixed_width is zero (i.e., less than SPAresabs).

Related Fncs: bs2_radius_is_zero