List of: Classes
Subjects: Callbacks, Work Coordinate Systems
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Provides a type-safe interface to toolkit_callback_list class and the execute command.

Derivation: WCS_callback_list : toolkit_callback_list : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/geomhusk/wcs_cb.hxx

Description: The WCS_callback_list class is derived from the toolkit_callback_list and provides a type-safe interface to it and the execute command.

Methods: public: void WCS_callback_list::add (

WCS_callback* cb // callback


Adds a callback to the list.

public: void WCS_callback_list::append (

WCS_callback* cb // callback


Appends a callback.

public: void WCS_callback_list::execute (

wcs_change_type reason, // reason for change

WCS* old_wcs, // old callback list

WCS* new_wcs // new callback list


Executes the new WCS_callback list.

Related Fncs: register_wcs_change_callback