List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Viewing
Contents: Scheme Support

Action: Creates a gvector in the view coordinate system.

Filename: scm/scmext/vwgm_scm.cxx

Syntax: (gvector:view x y z [view=active])

Arg Types: x real

y real

z real

view view

Returns: gvector

Description: x specifies the value of the x-coordinate. y specifies the value of the y-coordinate. z specifies the value of the z -coordinate. The optional view specifies which view to set the direction; the default is the active system coordinates. This extension returns the view in active system coordinates.

Example: ; gvector:view

; Create a gvector in the active view's

; coordinate system.

(gvector:view 4 4 5)

;; #[gvector 4.88865347297876 -0.833035035958355

;; 5.69272516902042]