List of: Scheme Data Types
Subjects: ACIS Journal, History and Roll
Contents: Scheme Support

Description: An acis-options data type is used to set options related to journaling and versioning.

Derivation: acis-options : scheme-object

C++ Type: AcisOptions

External Rep: #[journal-"%s" { enabled | not-enabled } | version - %d ]

Example: ; acis-options (data type)

; Clear the part


; Set journal file name

(define j

(acis_journal:set "file"


; Create a version tag

(define v (versiontag 7 0 0))

; Create acis-options with journal and version info

(define ao (acisoptions:set "journal" j "version" v))

(define profile

(solid:block (position 0 0 0) (position 2 2 0)))

(define path

(wire-body:points (list (position 0 0 0)

(position 0 0 2) (position 1 1 4))))

(define opts (sweep:options))

; Start the journaling operation using acis-options

(acis_journal:start ao)

(sweep:law profile path opts ao)

; End the journaling operation

(acis_journal:end ao)