List of: Scheme Data Types
Subjects: Model Object, Model Topology
Contents: Scheme Support

Description: An edge is a topological entity associated with a curve. An edge is bounded by one or more vertices, and refers to one vertex at each end. If the reference at either or both ends is NULL, the edge is unbounded in that direction. Each edge contains a record of its sense (FORWARD or REVERSED) relative to its underlying curve. edge objects are saved and restored as part of the model.

Derivation: edge : entity : scheme-object

C++ Type: EDGE

External Rep: #[entity %d %d]

where the first integer is the entity ID,

and the second integer is the part ID.

Example: ; edge (data type)

; Create and inquire an edge.

(define my_edge (edge:circular (position 0 0 0)

25 0 185))

;; my_edge

(edge? my_edge)

;; #t