List of: Scheme Data Types
Subjects: Filtering, Picking
Contents: Scheme Support

Description: An entity-filter is a procedural object that selects entities from an entity-list. Complex filtering is generated by combining basic color, type, and other filters using "and", "or", and "not" entity filters.

Derivation: entity-filter : scheme-object

C++ Type: entity_filter

External Rep: #[entity-filter %x]

where the hexadecimal number is the memory location of the filter. This memory location should not directly reference the filter. Instead, the filter should be named using define, then referenced using the name.

Example: ; entity-filter (data type)

; Create and inquire an entity-filter object that

; finds only entities that are displayed.

(env:set-auto-display #f)

;; ()

(define my_block (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 20 30 40)))

;; my_block

(define my_edge (edge:linear (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; my_edge

(define my_edge2 (edge:circular (position 0 0 0) 20))

;; my_edge2

(env:set-auto-display #t)

;; ()

(define my_sph (solid:sphere (position 20 30 40) 30))

;; my_sph

(define my_cyl (solid:cylinder (position 40 40 0)

(position 40 40 40) 10))

;; my_cyl

(filter:apply (filter:display) (part:entities))

;; (#[entity 5 1] #[entity 6 1])