List of: Scheme Data Types
Subjects: Healing, Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Scheme Support

Description: A tcoedge or "tolerant coedge" is a coedge derived from the COEDGE class that includes a tolerance value. The tolerance coedge class, TCOEDGE, is a derived class of COEDGE. The TCOEDGE extends the COEDGE class by adding parameter bounds, a lazy 3D curve derived from the pcurve, and a parameter box. TCOEDGEs on faces must maintain a pointer to a pcurve, which represents the curve underlying the edge in the parametric space of the surface. TCOEDGEs on analytic surfaces are required to have pcurves.

Derivation: tcoedge : coedge : entity : scheme-object


External Rep: #[entity %d %d]

where the first integer is the entity ID,

and the second integer is the part ID.

Example: ; tcoedge (data type)

; Create something with tolerant topology