List of: Scheme Data Types
Subjects: Transforms
Contents: Scheme Support

Description: A transform is an object that translates, rotates, scales, and reflects top-level entities. Top level entities are defined as entities that do not make up part of another containing entity. For example, bodies and WCSs are top level entities. Lumps, loops, edges, coedges, faces, shells, wires, and vertices contained within a body are not top level entities. transform objects are not saved and restored as part of the model.

Derivation: transform : scheme-object

C++ Type: SPAtransf

External Rep: #[transform %u]

where the unsigned integer is the memory location of the transform.

Example: ; transform (data type)

; Create, inquire and apply a transform object.

(define my_block (solid:block

(position 0 0 0) (position 40 40 40)))

;; my_block

(define mytransf (transform:axes (position 0 0 0)

(gvector 10 0 0) (gvector 12 12 0)))

;; mytransf

(transform? mytransf)

;; #t

(entity:transform my_block mytransf)

;; #[entity 2 1]