List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Intersectors

Action: Tests whether the parameter curve (bs2_curve) of a tcoedge strays outside the boundary of the coedge's face's surface.

Filename: intr/intr_scm/tmchk_scm.cxx

Syntax: (tm-check:tcoedge-bs2-outside-sf coedge)

Arg Types: coedge tcoedge

Returns: (tm-chk-info ...)

Errors: Argument is not a TEDGE.

Description: Returns as tm-check:tm-bad-topology would if coedge's edge is not a TEDGE. Otherwise, checks the coedge parameter space curve to see if it strays outside the boundaries of the coedge's face's surface. The resolution used is resabs in parameter and will pick up most significant problems. If any problems are identified, a tm-chk-info of derived type tcoedge-bs2-outside-sf is returned which lists (via tm-chk-info:coedge-param) the coedge parameter where there is a problem. The coedge parameter is negated if the coedge is reversed so as to have the same sense as the edge itself. If the parameter curve is fine in this respect, an empty list is returned.

coedge is an argument of type tcoedge whose parametric curve is tested for the above mentioned condition.

Example: ; tm-check:tcoedge-bs2-outside-sf

; Check a parameter curve of a coedge.

(define block (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; block

(define list (car (tolerant:fix (car

(entity:edges block)))))

;; list

(tm-check:tcoedge-bs2-outside-sf (car

(entity:tcoedges block)))

;; ()

; bs2_curve lies within surface