List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Intersectors

Action: Test whether the 3D curves of a tcoedge and its edge have compatible directions and curvatures all along their length.

Filename: intr/intr_scm/tmchk_scm.cxx

Syntax: (tm-check:tedge-tcoedge-bad-geom coedge)

Arg Types: coedge tcoedge

Returns: (tm-chk-info ...)

Errors: Argument is not a TCOEDGE.

Description: Returns as tm-check:tm-bad-topology would if the coedge's edge is not a TEDGE. Otherwise it analyses the coedge 3D curve and the curve of its edge to determine whether they have sympathetic directions and curvatures all along their length. This is necessary for tolerant modeling to work properly.

coedge is an argument of type TCOEDGE for which the compatibility is tested.

Example: ; tm-check:tedge-tcoedge-bad-geom

; Check the coedge for bad geometry.

(define b (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; b

(define e (car (tolerant:fix (car

(entity:edges b)))))

;; e

(tm-check:tedge-tcoedge-bad-geom (car

(entity:tcoedges e)))

;; ()

; geometry is valid