List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Feature Naming
Contents: Kernel

Action: Returns an error if the specified annotation DOES exist.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/anno_scm.cxx

Syntax: (annotation:assert-not anno-save-name [history]

[member-name entity] ...)

Arg Types: anno-save-name string

history history

member-name string

entity entity

Returns: boolean

Errors: Bad annotation found

Description: Searches the history stream for annotations of the given type as specified by the name used to save it in a SAT file. If the history stream is not specified, the stream from the active part is used. The remaining arguments are (member-name, entity) pairs. You can have as many as necessary to fully describe which entities should be in which fields of the annotation.

If an annotation matching the description is found, a sys_error (BAD_ANNOTATION_FOUND) is issued. Returns a #t if the described annotation does not exist.

anno-save-name argument is a string that appears in the SAT file if the annotation is saved.

history argument defines which history stream to search.

member-name argument is a string indicating the name of the entity within the annotation.

entity argument is an entity that should have the given member-name within the candidate annotation.

Example: ; annotation:assert-not

; annotate tests on bending.

; some resulting faces should have annotations,

; others should not.

(option:set "match_paren" #f)

;; #t

(cond ((= 0 (length (part:views))) (view:dl)))

;; #f

(define view (view:set-bg-color 7))

;; view


;; #t

(define block1 (solid:block (position -30 -2 -10)

(position 40 2 10)))

;; block1

(define view-edges (view:edges #t))

;; view-edges

(define view-poly (view:polygonoffset #t))

;; view-poly

(define radius 20)

;; radius

(define bend-angle -100)

;; bend-angle

(define width 0)

;; width

(define center-bend #f)

;; center-bend

; set annotations to on

(option:set "annotation" #t)

;; #f

(option:set "unhook_annotations" #f)

;; #t

(define bend (entity:bend block1 (position 20 0 0)

(gvector 0 0 1) (gvector 0 1 0) radius bend-angle

width center-bend))

;; bend

; pick 6 different faces from the body with

; 6 different rays.

(define isovec

(gvector -0.408248 0.816497 -0.408248))

;; isovec

(define r1 (ray (position 107 -247 103) isovec ))

;; r1

(define r2 (ray (position 110 -244 107) isovec ))

;; r2

(define r3 (ray (position 122 -235 113) isovec ))

;; r3

(define r4 (ray (position 142 -225 111) isovec ))

;; r4

(define r5 (ray (position 151 -221 111) isovec ))

;; r5

(define r6 (ray (position 110 -238 119) isovec ))

;; r6

(define f1 (pick:face r1 1))

;; f1

(define f2 (pick:face r2 1))

;; f2

(define f3 (pick:face r3 1))

;; f3

(define f4 (pick:face r4 1))

;; f4

(define f5 (pick:face r5 1))

;; f5

(define f6 (pick:face r6 1))

;; f6

; check for transform annotations on f1 f2 f6.



"transformed_faces" f1)

;; #[entity 9 1]



"transformed_faces" f2)

;; #[entity 9 1]



"transformed_faces" f6)

;; #[entity 9 1]

; check for no transform annotations on f3 f4 f5.



"transformed_faces" f3)

;; #t



"transformed_faces" f4)

;; #t



"transformed_faces" f5)

;; #t