List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Modeler Control
Contents: Kernel

Action: Sets the value of an option.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/opt_scm.cxx

Syntax: (option:set option-string value)

Arg Types: option-string string

value real | integer | boolean |

position | string

Returns: real | integer | boolean | position | string

Description: The return value is the previous option value. If option-string is not a valid option, an error message returns.

Refer to the option reference manuals for information on each specific options. Availability of the options is based on the products that have been included in your executable.

The argument option-string specifies the type of option to set.

value specifies the search value or attribute (boolean, integer, real, string, position) associated with the option-string.

Example: ; option:set

; List the options available.


;; ;; (("abl_c#aps" . #t)

;; ("abl_off_x#curves" . #f)

;; ("abl_rem#ote_ints" . #f)

;; ("abl_require_on#_support" . #t)

;; ("abort_on_illegal_surface" . #t)

;; ("adaptive#_grid" . #f)

;; ("adaptive_t#riangles" . #f)

;; ("add_bl_atts" . #f)

;; ("addr#ess_debug" . #t)

;; ("align_corners" . #t)

;; ("align_first_wire" . #f)

;; ("all_free_edges" . #f)

;; ("angular_control" . #t)

;; ("anno#tations" . #f)

;; ("api_checking" . #t)

;; ("approx#_eval" . #t)

;; ("approx-vbl_off#set" . #t)

;; ("auto_disp#lay" . #t)

;; ("avoid_box_backups" . #f)

;; ("backup_boxes" . #t)

;; ("bb_immediate_close" . #f)

;; ("bend_debug_file" . "")

;; ("bend_self_int" . #f)

;; ("bhl_smooth_edges" . #t)

;; ("bhl_smooth_surfaces" . #t)

;; ("bhl-use_ds_patch" . #f)

;; ("bhl-use_iso_approx" . #f)

;; ("bhl-use_iso_patch" . #f)

;; ("bin#ary_format" . #f)

;; ("bl_ana#lytic_spine" . #t)

; .

; .

; .

; Set the value of an option.

(option:set "sphere_silhouettes" "on")

;; #t