List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Feature Naming
Contents: Kernel

Action: Returns the list of input entities for the given annotation entity.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/anno_scm.cxx

Syntax: (annotation:inputs entity [no-tags])

Arg Types: entity entity

no-tags boolean

Returns: (entity ...)

Description: Returns the list of input entities for the given annotation entity. A profile edge is an input to a sweep annotation, for example.

The option for "annotation" should be turned on (#t) in order for the annotations to be created during a sweep or blend operation. Likewise, the option for "unhook_annotations" should be turned off (#f) in order to view the annotations after the operation, otherwise they are automatically cleared out.

entity specifies the annotation entity.

no-tags is an optional argument that specifies whether or not ATTRIB_TAGs is returned. If the value is false (#f), ATTRIB_TAGs is returned. Otherwise, only live entities are returned.

Example: ; annotation:inputs

; Turn on annotation options

(option:set "annotation" #t)

;; #f

(option:set "unhook_annotations" #f)

;; #t

; Create an ellipse edge.

(define profile (edge:ellipse

(position 0 0 0) (gvector 0 0 1)

(gvector 1 0 0)))

;; profile

; Create a linear edge.

(define path (edge:linear (position 0 0 0)

(position 0 0 10)))

;; path

; Sweep the profile and path.

(define swp (sweep:law profile path))

;; swp

; Get a list of the edges in swp.

(define edge1 (list-ref (entity:edges swp) 0))

;; edge1

; Get a list of the annotation entities attached

; to edge1.

(define anno1 (list-ref

(entity:annotations edge1) 0))

;; anno1

; Get the list of input entities for anno1.

(define anno_inputs (annotation:inputs anno1))

;; anno_inputs

; Get the lists of annotation names attached to

; anno_inputs.

(entity:annotation-names (list-ref anno_inputs 0))

;; ("profile" "profile")

(entity:annotation-names (list-ref anno_inputs 1))

;; ("path" "path" "path")