List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Debugging
Contents: Kernel

Action: Removes and then adds back bounding boxes from the selected body and its subparts (or just the selected entity if it's not a body).

Filename: kern/kern_scm/ent_scm.cxx

APIs: api_reset_boxes

Syntax: (entity:reset-boxes entity)

Arg Types: entity entity

Returns: entity

Description: This extension removes and replaces the bounding boxes from the selected body and its subparts (or just the selected entity if it's not a body).

entity specifies the entity whose bounding boxes has to be reset.

Example: ; entity:reset-boxes

; Create an entity

(define b (solid:block

(position -10 -10 -10) (position 10 10 10)))

;; b

; reset the bounding boxes

(entity:box b)

;; (#[position -10 -10 -10] . #[position 10 10 10])

; show a box is there

(entity:debug b 2)

; body **** 629696:

Rollback pointer: 690336

Attribute list : display_attribute 0 625648

Lump list
: lump 0 629536

Wire list

: transform 0 628128

Bounding box : -10 : 10


: -10 : 10


: -10 : 10

;; "solid body"

(entity:reset-boxes b)

;; #[entity 2 1]

; show that box is gone

(entity:debug b 2)

; body **** 629696:

Rollback pointer: 690336

Attribute list : display_attribute 0 625648

Lump list
: lump 0 629536

Wire list

: transform 0 628128

Bounding box : NULL

;; "solid body"