List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Debugging
Contents: Kernel

Action: Returns the type of a face.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/qfac_scm.cxx

Syntax: (face:type face1)

Arg Types: face1 entity

Returns: string

Description: This returns a string that tells what type of face has been produced. Output strings include "Plane", "Cylinder", "Cone", "Sphere", "Torus", "Spline", and "Unknown type". When the face is a spline, it also returns the subtype for the spline.

face1 specifies a face entity.

Example: ; face:type

; Create a face.

(define face1 (face:law "vec (cos (x), y, x)"

-20 (law:eval "10*pi") -10 10))

;; face1

(face:type face1)

;; "Spline surface (lawsur-spline)"