List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Physical Properties
Contents: Kernel

Action: Finds the bump associated with the given face or loop.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/pattern_scm.cxx

APIs: api_pattern_find_bump

Syntax: (find:bump seed [return-type [no-cross-list


Arg Types: seed entity

return-type string

no-cross-list entity | (entity ...)

show-loop boolean

Returns: entity ...

Description: Finds the bump associated with the face or loop specified by seed, and highlights the face of the bump in red.

seed specifies the entity to be searched.

return-type is an optional argument that could be used to have the function return a list of entities in the bump. The options for return-type are "faces", "loops", and "all". "faces" returns a list of all faces in the bump. "loops" returns a list of all loops in the bump (e.g., those not owned by faces on the bump). "all" returns a list consisting of both the above. No list is returned unless this string is present.

no-cross-list allows for finer definition or limitation in the search.

show-loop set to true (#t), highlights any limiting loops on the bump in yellow.

Example: ; find:bump

; create a bump

(define blank (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 -1)))

;; blank

(define tool (solid:block (position 1 1 0)

(position 2 2 1)))

;; tool

(define unite (solid:unite blank tool))

;; unite

; pick out one face on the bump

(define bump_face (car (entity:faces blank)))

;; bump_face

; pass in an empty string and list so that

; we highlight the default faces and loops

; belonging to the bump, but return no list

(find:bump bump_face "" (list ) #t)

;; ()

; loop:(entity 14 1)

; face:(entity 3 1)

; face:(entity 7 1)

; face:(entity 4 1)

; face:(entity 5 1)

; face:(entity 6 1)