List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Analyzing Models, Laws
Contents: Kernel

Action: Computes where a law is the minimum over a given interval.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/law_scm.cxx

Syntax: (law:nmin law low-lim up-lim)

Arg Types: law law | string | real | position |

par-pos | gvector

low-lim real

up-lim real

Returns: real

Description: law:nmin computes where a law is the minimum over a given interval.

law can be a defined law, a law string, or a constant number.

low-lim and up-lim are two real values that specify the interval.

Example: ; law:nmin

; Define a simple law to find minimum.

(law:nmin "x^2+x" -1 1)

;; -0.5

; Another Example.

; Create the points for a test curve.

(define plist (list (position 0 0 0)

(position 20 20 20) (position -20 20 20)

(position 0 0 0)))

;; plist

(define start (gvector 1 1 1))

;; start

(define end (gvector 1 1 1))

;; end

(define testcur (edge:spline plist start end))

;; testcur

; Create a curve law.

(define curlaw

(law "map(term(cur(edge1),1),edge1)"


;; curlaw

; Find its minimum.

(define min (law:nmin curlaw 0 1))

;; min

; Plot and mark that point.

(define minpoint (dl-item:point

(curve:eval-pos testcur min)))

;; minpoint

(dl-item:display minpoint)

;; ()

; OUTPUT Result

Figure 14-2. law:nmin - Minimum Point on a Test Curve