List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Transforms, Work Coordinate Systems
Contents: Kernel

Action: Gets the transform of the active WCS to model space.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/wcs_scm.cxx

Syntax: (wcs:to-model-transform [wcs])

Arg Types: wcs wcs

Returns: transform

wcs is an optional argument that specifies the WCS to search. If wcs is not specified, the active WCS is used.

Example: ; wcs:to-model-transform

; Find the transform of the current WCS to

; model space.

(define transform1 (wcs:to-model-transform))

;; transform1

; Define a new WCS.

(define wcs1 (wcs (position -10 -10 -10)

(position 0 10 0) (position 10 0 0)))

;; wcs1

; Find the transform of the new WCS to model space.

(wcs:to-model-transform wcs1)

;; #[transform 1074571672]