List of: Functions
Subjects: Analyzing Models, Mathematics
Contents: Kernel

Action: Gets the angle (in radians) between two vectors or two unit vectors in the range 0 <= angle < 2 pi.

Prototype: double angle_between (

const SPAunit_vector& v1, // first vector

const SPAunit_vector& v2, // second vector

const SPAunit_vector& z
// normal to plane



double angle_between (

const SPAvector& v1,
// first vector

const SPAvector& v2,
// second vector

const SPAunit_vector& z // normal to plane



Includes: #include "kernel/acis.hxx"

#include "kernel/geomhusk/geom_utl.hxx"

#include "baseutil/vector/unitvec.hxx"

#include "baseutil/vector/vector.hxx"

Description: This function is overloaded and can accept two vectors or two unit vectors as arguments.

The third vector is the plane in which the angle is measured, and is required. It also defines a direction, from the first to the second vector. To simply get the angle in 3-space, pass the normalized cross product of the two input vectors as the third vector.

Library: kernel

Filename: kern/kernel/geomhusk/geom_utl.hxx

Effect: Read-only