List of: Classes
Subjects: Model Topology, SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Relates EDGEs with adjacent EDGEs and owning ENTITYs.


SAT Identifier: "coedge"

Filename: kern/kernel/kerndata/top/coedge.hxx

Description: The coedge is closely related to an edge. A coedge stores its relationships with adjacent edges and with superior owning entities. (In some contexts, the coedge may be viewed as the use of an edge by a face or wire.) The data structures formed by these relationships (stored as pointers) and their interpretation depends upon the nature of the owning entity.

The typical case is when the coedge's associated edge is part of a well-formed, manifold, solid body shell and when that edge is adjacent to exactly two faces. This results in two coedges, each associated with a loop in one of the faces. (In principle the two faces could be the same, and even the loops could be the same.) All the coedges in each loop are linked into a doubly-linked circular list using the next and previous pointers. The two coedges for each edge are linked through their partner pointers.

Several deviations are possible from the typical case.

- A loop may not necessarily be closed for either a partially defined or infinite face boundary. In this case, the next and previous lists are not circular, but terminate with NULL pointers.

- A shell may not be closed and have "free" edges at its boundary. For such edges, there is only one coedge with a NULL partner pointer.

- Nonmanifold shells, where more than two faces meet in an edge, links the partner pointers for the coedges (still one for each face) in a circular list.

- Coedges on faces whose underlying geometry is a parametric surface must maintain a pointer to a pcurve, which represents the curve underlying the edge in the parametric space of the surface. Coedges on analytic surfaces are not required to have pcurves.

- Wires as owning entities are handled differently. An object may be a directed or undirected graph made up of one or more disjoint wires, each of which is a collection of connected edges. In this case, each edge has exactly one coedge. The coedges are linked in circular lists around each vertex using next and previous pointers according to which end of the coedge lies at the vertex. The next or previous pointer of a coedge on an open edge may be set to itself, indicating that there is no next or previous coedge on this branch of the wire.

- A shell may be of mixed dimensionality, containing both faces and unembedded edges. The unembedded edges are connected together in wires and belong to the shell. Where they meet faces of the shell, the vertices have multiple edge pointers, one for each face group, and one for each wire attached.

The sg_get_coedges_of_wire and sg_q_coedges_around_vertex may be useful for generating lists of coedges on other topological entities. The kernel/kerndata/geometry/geometry.hxx file contains several other geometric inquiry functions. When adding a pcurve to a coedge, sg_add_pcurve_to_coedge may be helpful.


by KERN EDGE, LOOP, WIRE, pattern_holder

Data: protected COEDGE *next_ptr;

Pointer to provide a doubly-linked list of coedges in a loop,or circular lists at each end in a general unembedded graph.

protected COEDGE *partner_ptr;

Pointer to partner coedge, or NULL if this coedge is unembedded or attached to a free edge.

protected COEDGE *previous_ptr;

Pointer to provide a doubly-linked list of coedges in a loop,or circular lists at each end in a general unembedded graph.

protected EDGE *edge_ptr;

Pointer to the single edge on which this coedge and all its partners lie.

protected ENTITY *owner_ptr;

Pointer to the owning loop or wire. There is always a loop if the coedge is embedded in a face, or a wire if it is part of an unembedded graph. If the coedge is an unembedded one in a mixed-dimensionality shell, then this pointer is NULL.

protected PCURVE *geometry_ptr;

Pointer to the description of the edge geometry referred to the parametric space of the face in which it is embedded. This will be NULL if the edge is not embedded, or if the face is not parametrically described. It may be NULL even if the face is parametric.

protected REVBIT sense_data;

Relationship between the direction of the coedge and that of the underlying edge. When embedded in a face, the coedges must run clockwise about the (outward) face normal, that is at any point on the coedge, if the face normal is "upwards" and the coedge tangent is "forwards", then the face lies to the "left".

Constructor: public: COEDGE::COEDGE ();

C++ allocation constructor requests memory for this object but does not populate it. The allocation constructor is used primarily by restore. Applications should call this constructor only with the overloaded new operator, because this reserves the memory on the heap, a requirement to support roll back and history management.

public: COEDGE::COEDGE (


REVBIT, // sense

COEDGE*, // previous COEDGE



C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments. Applications should call this constructor only with the overloaded new operator, because this reserves the memory on the heap, a requirement to support roll back and history management.

The arguments initialize the EDGE (and indirectly the partner EDGE), the sense_data, the previous COEDGE, and the next COEDGE. COEDGE back-pointers are also set in the two argument COEDGEs, but are only valid if all the COEDGEs are part of a conventional simple LOOP.

Destructor: public: virtual void COEDGE::lose ();

Posts a delete bulletin to the bulletin board indicating the instance is no longer used in the active model. The lose methods for attached attributes are also called.

protected: virtual COEDGE::~COEDGE ();

This C++ destructor should never be called directly. Instead, applications should use the overloaded lose method inherited from the ENTITY class, because this supports history management. (For example, x=new COEDGE(...) then later x->lose.)

Methods: protected: virtual logical

COEDGE::bulletin_no_change_vf (

ENTITY const* other,
// other entity

logical identical_comparator // comparator

) const;

Virtual compare function for api_get_modified_faces.

public: logical COEDGE::copy_pattern_down (

ENTITY* target
// target

) const;

Returns whether or not patterns are copied down.

public: virtual void COEDGE::debug_ent (

FILE* // file pointer

) const;

Prints the type and address of this object, roll back pointer, attributes, and any unknown subtype information to the specified file. Refer to the ENTITY class for more details.

public: EDGE* COEDGE::edge () const;

Returns the pointer to the single EDGE on which this COEDGE and all its partners lie.

public: VERTEX* COEDGE::end () const;

Returns the end VERTEX pointer from the associated EDGE, if any, taking into account the sense of the COEDGE.

public: VERTEX* COEDGE::end (

REVBIT // sense


Returns the end VERTEX pointer from the associated EDGE, if any, taking into account the sense of the COEDGE.

public: logical COEDGE::ends_at_singularity () const;

Determines if the coedge ends at a surface singularity.

public: virtual SPAparameter COEDGE::end_param () const;

Finds the end parameter of the COEDGE.

public: virtual SPAposition COEDGE::end_pos () const;

Finds the end position of the COEDGE.

public: PCURVE* COEDGE::geometry () const;

Returns the pointer to the description of the EDGE geometry referred to the parametric space of the FACE in which it is embedded. The pointer is NULL if the EDGE is not embedded, or if the FACE is not parametric.

public: void COEDGE::get_all_patterns (

// list


Returns all patterns in the list.

public: virtual int COEDGE::identity (

// level

= 0

) const;

If level is unspecified or 0, returns the type identifier COEDGE_TYPE. If level is specified, returns COEDGE_TYPE for that level of derivation from ENTITY. The level of this class is defined as COEDGE_LEVEL.

public: virtual logical

COEDGE::is_deepcopyable () const;

Returns TRUE if this can be deep copied.

public: logical COEDGE::is_pattern_child () const;

Returns TRUE if this is a pattern child. An entity is a "pattern child" when it is not responsible for creating new entities when the pattern is applied. Instead, some owning entity takes care of this.

public: LOOP* COEDGE::loop () const;

Returns the owner of the COEDGE if it is a LOOP; otherwise, it returns NULL.

public: TCOEDGE* COEDGE::make_tolerant ();

Make a tolerant TCOEDGE out of this COEDGE.

public: COEDGE* COEDGE::next () const;

Returns the next COEDGE in a doubly-linked list of COEDGEs.

public: COEDGE* COEDGE::next (

REVBIT rev // sense

) const;

Returns the next pointer if the sense_data is FORWARD; otherwise returns the previous pointer.

public: ENTITY* COEDGE::owner () const;

Returns the pointer to the LOOP or WIRE that owns the COEDGE. There is always a LOOP if the COEDGE is embedded in a FACE, or a WIRE if it is part of an unembedded graph. If the COEDGE is an unembedded one in a mixed-dimensionality SHELL, the function may return the SHELL.

public: virtual SPAinterval

COEDGE::param_range () const;

Finds the parameter range of the COEDGE as an interval.

public: COEDGE* COEDGE::partner () const;

Returns the pointer to the partnerCOEDGE. The return will be NULL if the COEDGE is unembedded or attached to a free EDGE.

public: COEDGE* COEDGE::previous () const;

Returns the previous COEDGE in a doubly-linked list of COEDGEs.

public: COEDGE* COEDGE::previous (

REVBIT rev // sense

) const;

Returns the previous pointer if the sense_data is FORWARD; otherwise returns the next pointer.

public: logical COEDGE::remove_from_pattern_list ();

Returns TRUE if this is removed from the pattern list.

public: void COEDGE::restore_common ();

The RESTORE_DEF macro expands to the restore_common method, which is used in reading information from a SAT file. This method is never called directly. It is called by a higher hierarchical function if an item in the SAT file is determined to be of this class type. An instance of this class will already have been created through the allocation constructor. This method then populates the class instance with the appropriate data from the SAT file.

if (restore_version_number < PATTERN_VERSION

read_ptr APATTERN index

if (apat_idx != (APATTERN*)(-1)))


read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for next COEDGE in loop or wire

read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for previous COEDGE in loop or wire

read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for partner COEDGE on edge

read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for EDGE on which coedge lies

if (restore_version_number < COEDGE_SENSE_VERSION)

read_int Direction of coedge with respect to the edge enumeration


read_logical either "forward" or "reversed"

read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for LOOP or wire to which coedge belongs


Pointer to record in save file for parameter space curve PCURVE or geometry

public: REVBIT COEDGE::sense () const;

Returns the relationship between the direction of the COEDGE and that of the underlying EDGE. At any point on the COEDGE, if the FACE normal is upwards and the COEDGE tangent is forward, then the FACE lies to the left. This implies that the outer LOOPs are counterclockwise and the inner LOOPs are clockwise with respect to the FACE normal.

public: REVBIT COEDGE::sense (

REVBIT rev // sense

) const;

Return the sense of the COEDGE compounded with the sense argument. Useful when traversing COEDGEs in reverse direction.

public: void COEDGE::set_edge (

EDGE*, // underlying EDGE

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the COEDGE to use the given underlying EDGE. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: virtual void COEDGE::set_geometry (


logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the COEDGE's parameter-space geometry to be the given PCURVE. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

protected: virtual void COEDGE::set_geometry_ptr (



Sets the COEDGE's parameter-space geometry to be the given PCURVE. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_loop (


logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the owning ENTITY to be a LOOP. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_next (


REVBIT // sense


logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the COEDGE's nextCOEDGE pointer. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_next_no_rev (

// coedge

logical reset_pattern
// reset or not



Sets the COEDGE's next_no_revCOEDGE pointer. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_owner (

ENTITY*, // entity

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the COEDGE's owner. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_partner (

COEDGE*, // partner COEDGE

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the COEDGE's partner to be the given COEDGE. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_pattern (

pattern* in_pat
// pattern


Set the current pattern.

public: void COEDGE::set_previous (

COEDGE*, // previous COEDGE

REVBIT // sense

= FALSE, //

logical reset_pattern //

= TRUE //


Sets COEDGE's previousCOEDGE pointer, taking the sense into account. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_previous_no_rev (

// coedge

logical reset_pattern
// reset or not



Sets COEDGE's previous_no_revCOEDGE pointer. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_sense (

REVBIT, // sense

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the sense of the COEDGE with respect to the underlying EDGE. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_shell (

SHELL*, // owning SHELL

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the owning entity to be a SHELL. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void COEDGE::set_wire (

WIRE*, // owning WIRE

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the owning entity to be a WIRE. Before performing a change, it checks whether the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the routine calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: SHELL* COEDGE::shell () const;

Returns the owner of the COEDGE if it is a SHELL; otherwise, it returns NULL.

public: VERTEX* COEDGE::start () const;

Returns the start VERTEX pointer from the associated EDGE, if any, taking into account the sense of the COEDGE.

public: VERTEX* COEDGE::start (

REVBIT // sense


Returns the start VERTEX pointer from the associated EDGE, if any, taking into account the sense of the COEDGE.

public: logical

COEDGE::starts_at_singularity () const;

Determines if the coedge starts at a surface singularity.

public: virtual SPAparameter

COEDGE::start_param () const;

Finds the start parameter of the COEDGE.

public: virtual SPAposition COEDGE::start_pos () const;

Finds the start position of the COEDGE.

public: virtual const char*

COEDGE::type_name () const;

Returns the string "coedge".

public: WIRE* COEDGE::wire () const;

Returns the owner of the COEDGE if it is a WIRE; otherwise, it returns NULL.

Related Fncs: is_COEDGE