List of: Classes
Subjects: Model Topology, SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Represents the external boundary of a LUMP, or the internal boundary of a void (unoccupied space) within a LUMP.

Derivation: SHELL : ENTITY : ACIS_OBJECT : -

SAT Identifier: "shell"

Filename: kern/kernel/kerndata/top/shell.hxx

Description: The shell is a connected portion of a lump's boundary. It has no physical or topological connection with any other shell. It is not possible to traverse the topological structure of one shell and end up on another shell. If a lump has no voids, then exactly one shell gives its overall extent. Any other shells bound voids wholly within the lump. There is no distinction made in the data structure between peripheral and void shells. In this context a shell is closed and bounded.

It is technically possible for a shell to be open and bounded or unbounded. If bounded, the containing lump (and body) is considered incomplete, or more accurately, incompletely bounded. It interacts with other bodies only so far as the defined portions of their shells interact. There are configurations of that interaction that are disallowed. If the shell is unbounded, it can be semi-infinite (e.g., a plane bounded by a single infinite straight line) or infinite (e.g., two half-infinite planes joined at their boundaries). If the shell is semi-infinite, the body is incomplete, while an infinite shell is completely defined, though of infinite extent.

The concepts of peripheral and void shells, and of connected and disjoint bodies have no meaning when applied to incomplete lump or body.

A shell is constructed from a collection of "faces" and "wires." Large collections may be subdivided into a hierarchy of "subshells," each containing a proper subcollection. A shell subdivided into subshells may also contain faces and wires directly; in this case, these entities are not contained in any subshell.


by KERN FACE, LUMP, pattern_holder

Constructor: public: SHELL::SHELL ();

C++ allocation constructor requests memory for this object but does not populate it. The allocation constructor is used primarily by restore. Applications should call this constructor only with the overloaded new operator, because this reserves the memory on the heap, a requirement to support roll back and history management.

public: SHELL::SHELL (

FACE*, // list of FACEs


SHELL* // sister SHELL


C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments. Applications should call this constructor only with the overloaded new operator, because this reserves the memory on the heap, a requirement to support roll back and history management.

Creates a SHELL, initializes all the class data, and records the creation in the bulletin board. The first two arguments are the starts of lists of FACEs and SUBSHELLs contained, and the last is a list of sister SHELLs already in the current LUMP. The calling routine must set lump_ptr and if desired, bound_ptr, using set_lump and set_bound.

Destructor: public: virtual void SHELL::lose ();

Posts a delete bulletin to the bulletin board indicating the instance is no longer used in the active model. The lose methods for attached attributes are also called.

protected: virtual SHELL::~SHELL ();

This C++ destructor should never be called directly. Instead, applications should use the overloaded lose method inherited from the ENTITY class, because this supports history management. (For example, x=new SHELL(...) then later x->lose.)

Methods: public: SPAbox* SHELL::bound () const;

Returns a pointer to a geometric bounding region (a box), within which the entire SHELL lies (with respect to the internal coordinate system of the BODY). The return may be NULL if the bound was not calculated since the SHELL was last changed.

protected: virtual logical

SHELL::bulletin_no_change_vf (

ENTITY const* other,
// other entity

logical identical_comparator // comparator

) const;

Virtual function for comparing subclass data - called by bulletin_no_change. For the identical_comparator argument to be TRUE requires an exact match when comparing doubles and returns the result of memcmp as a default (for non-overridden subclasses). FALSE indicates tolerant compares and returns FALSE as a default.

public: logical SHELL::copy_pattern_down (

ENTITY* target
// target

) const;

Copies the pattern through all children of the target entity.

public: virtual void SHELL::debug_ent (

FILE* // file pointer

) const;

Prints the type and address of this object, roll back pointer, attributes, and any unknown subtype information to the specified file. Refer to the ENTITY class for more details.

public: FACE* SHELL::face () const;

Returns the first FACE in a complete enumeration of all the FACEs in the SHELL, continued by repeated use of FACE::next_face. The undefined order of SUBSHELLs fluctuates with each change of the SUBSHELL subdivision.

public: FACE* SHELL::face_list () const;

Returns a pointer to the first FACE of a list of FACEs immediately contained in this SHELL.

public: void SHELL::get_all_patterns (

// list


Returns all patterns in the list.

public: virtual int SHELL::identity (

// level

= 0

) const;

If level is unspecified or 0, returns the type identifier SHELL_TYPE. If level is specified, returns SHELL_TYPE for that level of derivation from ENTITY. The level of this class is defined as SHELL_LEVEL.

public: logical SHELL::is_closed () const;

Determine if the shell is closed or not. This method considers only single-sided faces. It ignores all double-sided faces and wires.

public: virtual logical SHELL::is_deepcopyable (

) const;

Returns TRUE if this can be deep copied.

public: LUMP* SHELL::lump () const;

Returns a pointer to the owning LUMP (SHELLs in separate LUMPs are entirely separate).

public: SHELL* SHELL::next (

PAT_NEXT_TYPE next_type // shell type

= PAT_CAN_CREATE // for patterns

) const;

Returns a pointer to the next SHELL in the list of SHELLs contained in a BODY.

The next_type argument controls how the next method treats patterns, and can take any one of three values:

PAT_CAN_CREATE: if the next shell is to be generated from a pattern, create it if it doesn't yet exist and return its pointer.

PAT_NO_CREATE: if the next shell is to be generated from a pattern, but hasn't yet been created, bypass it and return the pointer of the next already-created shell (if any).

PAT_IGNORE: behave as though there is no pattern on the shell.

public: ENTITY* SHELL::owner () const;

Returns a pointer to the owning LUMP.

public: logical SHELL::patternable () const;

Returns TRUE.

public: logical SHELL::remove_from_pattern ();

Removes the pattern element associated with this entity from the pattern. Returns FALSE if this entity is not part of a pattern element, otherwise TRUE.

Note The affected entities are not destroyed, but are merely made independent of the pattern. The pattern itself is correspondingly modified to "drop out" the newly disassociated element.

public: logical SHELL::remove_from_pattern_list ();

Removes this entity from the list of entities maintained by its pattern, if any. Returns FALSE if no pattern is found, otherwise TRUE.

public: logical SHELL::remove_pattern ();

Removes the pattern on this and all associated entities. Returns FALSE if no pattern is found, otherwise TRUE.

public: void SHELL::restore_common ();

The RESTORE_DEF macro expands to the restore_common method, which is used in reading information from a SAT file. This method is never called directly. It is called by a higher hierarchical function if an item in the SAT file is determined to be of this class type. An instance of this class will already have been created through the allocation constructor. This method then populates the class instance with the appropriate data from the SAT file.

In versions before 1.6, the next tag will be for a body, but put it in the lump pointer for now anyway, and fix it up later (in fix_pointers).

if (restore_version_number >= PATTERN_VERSION

read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for APATTERN on loop

if (apat_idx != (APATTERN*)(-1)))


read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for next SHELL in lump

read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for first SUBSHELL in shell

read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for first FACE in shell

if (restore_version_number >= WIREBOOL_VERSION)

read_ptr Pointer to record in save file for first WIRE in shell

else Pointer for first WIRE in shell is set to NULL


Pointer to record in save file for body owning the LUMP containing shell

public: void SHELL::set_bound (

SPAbox* // new bounding box


Sets the SHELL's bounding SPAbox pointer to the given SPAbox. Before performing a change, it checks if the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the method calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void SHELL::set_face (

FACE* // new FACE

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the SHELL's FACE pointer to the given FACE. Before performing a change, it checks if the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the method calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void SHELL::set_lump (

LUMP* // new owning LUMP

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the SHELL's LUMP pointer to the given owning LUMP. Before performing a change, it checks if the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the method calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void SHELL::set_next (

SHELL* // new sister SHELL

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the SHELL's nextSHELL pointer to the given sister SHELL. Before performing a change, it checks if the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the method calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void SHELL::set_pattern (

pattern* in_pat

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Set the current pattern.

public: void SHELL::set_subshell (


logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the SHELL's SUBSHELL pointer to the given SUBSHELL. Before performing a change, it checks if the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the method calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: void SHELL::set_wire (

WIRE* // wire

logical reset_pattern // reset or not



Sets the SHELL's WIRE pointer to the given WIRE. Before performing a change, it checks if the data structure is posted on the bulletin board. If not, the method calls backup to put an entry on the bulletin board.

public: SUBSHELL* SHELL::subshell () const;

Returns a pointer to the first SUBSHELL in a list of SUBSHELLs immediately contained within this SHELL.

public: virtual const char*

SHELL::type_name () const;

Returns the string "shell".

public: WIRE* SHELL::wire () const;

Returns the first WIRE in a complete enumeration of all the WIREs in the SHELL, continued by repeated use of WIRE::next. The undefined order of SUBSHELLs fluctuates with each change of the SUBSHELL subdivision.

public: WIRE* SHELL::wire_list () const;

Returns a pointer to the first WIRE of a list of WIREs immediately contained in this SHELL.

Internal Use: first_face, save, save_common

Related Fncs: is_SHELL