List of: Classes
Subjects: Construction Geometry
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Fits a 3D curve to the parameter curve.

Derivation: par_int_interp : curve_interp : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/kerngeom/intcur/par_int.hxx

Description: This class fits a 3D curve to the parameter curve in a surface given a parameter interval on the defining curve and the number of (equally-spaced) points int he interval to be fitted.

References: KERN pcurve

Constructor: public: par_int_interp::par_int_interp (

pcurve const&, // parameter-space curve

int, // number of points

SPAinterval const&, // curve parameter range

double, // fit tolerance

logical // projected surface



C++ constructor, creating a par_int_interp using the specified parameters.

Constructs an interpolated curve, given all the necessary information. If logical is TRUE then the first surface is projected; if it is FALSE, then the second surface is projected.

Destructor: public: par_int_interp::~par_int_interp ();

C++ destructor, deleting a part_int_interp.

Methods: public: int_cur* par_int_interp::make_int_cur ();

Constructs the appropriate int_cur subclass object (in this case, a par_int_cur) from the data in this object after curve interpolation.

public: void par_int_interp::true_point (

double, // tolerance

point_data& // point data

) const;

Finds the true-point in 3D for a given parameter value. The input position, direction, and parameter values are approximate; the exact values are provided as output.