List of: Classes
Subjects: Construction Geometry
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Defines the master object from which all subtype objects must be derived.

Derivation: subtype_object : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/kernutil/subtype/subtype.hxx

Description: This class defines the master object from which all subtype objects must be derived. This object contains a use count (in case the object is shareable) and defines two virtual functions and a destructor.

Constructor: public: subtype_object::subtype_object ();

C++ constructor, creating a subtype_object.

Destructor: public: virtual subtype_object::~subtype_object ();

C++ destructor, deleting a subtype_object. and all those objects that need it.

Methods: public: void subtype_object::add_ref ();

Use count manipulation.

public: virtual void subtype_object::debug (

char const*, // leader for second and

// subsequent lines of

// output

logical, // TRUE for brief output

// FALSE for full output

FILE* // file name

= debug_file_ptr

) const = 0;

Writes the subtype_object in readable form for debugging. If logical is TRUE, brief output is produced; if logical is FALSE, long output is produced.

public: logical subtype_object::mult_ref () const;

Returns TRUE if there is more than one reference; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

public: logical subtype_object::operator!= (

subtype_object const& rhs // subtype-object

) const;

TRUE if two subtype objects are not the same. Use this method for sharing on restoration of old save files.

public: virtual logical subtype_object::operator== (

subtype_object const& // subtype-object

) const;

Determines if two subtype objects are the same. Use this method for sharing on restoration of old save files.

public: int subtype_object::ref_count ();

Returns the use count.

public: void subtype_object::remove_ref ();

Removes a reference.

public: virtual void subtype_object::save () const;

Saves a subtype object with identifier and brackets, and enters it in the current tag table. If it is already there, just puts out a reference.

public: virtual void

subtype_object::save_data () const = 0;

Saves the information for the subtype_object to a save file.

public: virtual int

subtype_object::type () const = 0;

Returns the type of subtype_object.

public: virtual char const*

subtype_object::type_name () const = 0;

Returns a pointer to a static string, which is the externally-meaningful type name for this subtype.

public: virtual logical

subtype_object::unknown_type () const;

Returns TRUE if this object type is unknown to the system; otherwise, it returns FALSE. This method returns FALSE as the default, so except for the system unknown subtype, the method should be omitted from derived class definitions.

Internal Use: full_size