List of: Classes
Subjects: Geometric Analysis, Laws, SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Creates a wrapper to an ACISsurface class.

Derivation: surface_law_data : base_surface_law_data : law_data : ACIS_OBJECT : -

SAT Identifier: "SURF#"

Filename: kern/kernel/kernutil/law/law.hxx

Description: This is a law data class that holds a pointer to a surface.

References: KERN surface

BASE SPAinterval, SPApar_pos, SPAposition

Data: protected SPAinterval u_domain;

This holds the u parameter range of the given surface.

protected SPAinterval v_domain;

This holds the v parameter range of the given surface.

protected int *which_cached;

This holds the time tags.

protected int point_level;

This holds the size of tvalue.

protected SPApar_pos *tvalue;

This holds the parameter values.

protected SPAposition *cached_f;

This holds the positions.

protected surface *acis_surface;

This holds a pointer to the ACISsurface class.

Constructor: public: surface_law_data::surface_law_data (

surface const& in_acis_surface, // surface

SPAinterval const& in_u_domain, // u parameter

// range

SPAinterval const& in_v_domain // v parameter

// range


C++ constructor, creating a sruface_law_data which is a wrapper for the ACISsurface.

public: surface_law_data::surface_law_data (

surface const& in_acis_surface // surface


C++ constructor, creating a sruface_law_data which is a wrapper for the ACISsurface.

Destructor: public: surface_law_data::~surface_law_data ();

Applications are required to call this destructor for their law data types.

Methods: public: SPAposition surface_law_data::bs3_eval (

SPApar_pos const& in_par_pos // uv parameters

) const;

Returns the position of the u,v parameters on the spline approximating surface.

public: virtual law_data*

surface_law_data::deep_copy (

base_pointer_map* pm // list of items within

= NULL // the entity that are

// already deep copied

) const;

Creates a copy of an item that does not share any data with the original. Allocates new storage for all member data and any pointers. Returns a pointer to the copied item.

public: void surface_law_data::eval (

SPApar_pos& uv, // parameter to evaluate

SPAposition& pos, // output surface

// position

SPAvector* dpos, // array of 1st

// derivatives

SPAvector* ddpos // array of second

// derivatives


This takes in a uv parameter value and returns the corresponding xyz position on the surface; a vector array, which holds the derivative with respect to u and the derivative with respect to v; and an array with three vectors, which correspond to the second derivative with respect to u, the derivative with respect to u and then to v, and the second derivative with respect to v.

public: double

surface_law_data::eval_gaussian_curvature (

SPApar_pos const& in_par_pos // parameter position

) const;

Finds the Gaussian curvature at the given parameter value on the curve.

public: double surface_law_data::eval_max_curvature (

SPApar_pos const& in_par_pos // parameter position

) const;

Finds the maximum curvature at the given parameter value on the curve.

public: double

surface_law_data::eval_mean_curvature (

SPApar_pos const& in_par_pos // parameter position

) const;

Finds the mean curvature at the given parameter value on the curve.

public: double surface_law_data::eval_min_curvature (

SPApar_pos const& in_par_pos // parameter position

) const;

Finds the minimum curvature at the given parameter value on the curve.

protected: void surface_law_data::init (

surface const& in_acis_surface, // surface

SPAinterval const& in_u_domain, // u parameter

// range

SPAinterval const& in_v_domain // v parameter

// range


Initializes this object.

public: SPApar_pos surface_law_data::point_perp (

SPAposition in_point // given position


Finds the parameter position on the surface perpendicular to the given position outside of the surface.

public: SPApar_pos surface_law_data::point_perp (

SPAposition in_point, // given position

SPApar_pos in_par_pos // given par pos


Finds the parameter position on the surface perpendicular to the given position outside of the surface.

public: virtual void surface_law_data::save ();

Calls the specific surface save method, and saves the u domain interval and v domain interval.

public: void surface_law_data::set_levels (

int in_point_level // number of tvalue

= 4,

int in_derivative_level // number of deriv

= 2


Establishes the number of positions stored in tvalue in preparation for starting over. In addition, it clears out cached arrays for the positions and their derivatives.

public: char const* surface_law_data::symbol (

law_symbol_type type // type of law symbol


Returns the string that represents this law class's symbol. The symbol is used for parsing the law and for saving and restoring law-based geometry. For a law to be saved and restored, it must have or inherit this method.

The default law symbol for this class is SURF.

public: logical surface_law_data::term_domain (

int which, // term to bound

SPAinterval& answer // bounds for term


Establishes the domain of a given term in the law.

Internal Use: grid

Related Fncs: restore_law, restore_law_data, save_law