List of: Classes
Subjects: Geometric Analysis, Laws, SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Creates a wrapper to a ACISWIRE class.

Derivation: wire_law_data : base_wire_law_data : path_law_data : law_data : ACIS_OBJECT : -

SAT Identifier: "WIRE#"

Filename: kern/kernel/kernutil/law/law.hxx

Description: This is a law data class that holds a pointer to a wire.

References: KERN curve

BASE SPAinterval, SPAposition, SPAvector

Data: protected curve **acis_curves;

This holds a pointer to the underlying ACIS curves.

protected double *scales;

This hold a pointer to an array of scale values for each of the underlying curve parameterization.

protected double *starts;

This holds a pointer to an array of parameter values that represent the starting positions of the underlying curves.

protected int size;

This is the number of underlying curves.

protected SPAinterval *param_ranges;

This is a pointer to an array that contains the beginning and ending parameter values.

protected double *tvalue;

This holds an array of parameter values on wire.

protected int *which_cached;

This holds the time tags.

protected int derivative_level;

This holds how many derivatives are cached.

protected int point_level;

This holds the size of tvalue.

protected logical is_simple;

This holds a flag for if the law has been simplified.

protected SPAposition *cached_f;

This holds the positions.

protected SPAvector *cached_df;

This holds the first derivatives at the given cached positions.

protected SPAvector *cached_ddf;

This holds the second derivatives at the given cached positions.

Constructor: public: wire_law_data::wire_law_data (

BODY* in_wire_body // body


C++ constructor, creating a wire_law_data which is a wrapper for the ACISBODY.

public: wire_law_data::wire_law_data (

COEDGE* in_wire_coedge, // coedge

SPAtransf const& in_trans // transform

= *(SPAtransf* )NULL_REF


C++ constructor, creating a wire_law_data which is a wrapper for the ACISCOEDGE.

public: wire_law_data::wire_law_data (

EDGE* in_wire_edge, // edge

SPAtransf const& in_trans // transform

= *(SPAtransf* )NULL_REF


C++ constructor, creating a wire_law_data which is a wrapper for the ACISEDGE.

public: wire_law_data::wire_law_data (

curve** in_acis_curves,
// underlying curves

double* in_starts,
// start parameter

double* in_scales,
// scale for curve

// parameters

SPAinterval* in_param_ranges, // parameter range

int in_size
// number of

// parameters


Constructor for the wrapper of an array of underlying ACIScurve's. It has all of their defining data.

public: wire_law_data::wire_law_data (

WIRE* in_wire_body // wire


C++ constructor, creating a wire_law_data which is a wrapper for the ACISWIRE.

Destructor: public: wire_law_data::~wire_law_data ();

Applications are required to call this destructor for their law data types.

Methods: public: double wire_law_data::curvature (

double para // parameter to evaluate


Returns the curvature of the curve at the given parameter position.

public: virtual law_data* wire_law_data::deep_copy (

base_pointer_map* pm // list of items within

= NULL // the entity that are

// already deep copied

) const;

Creates a copy of an item that does not share any data with the original. Allocates new storage for all member data and any pointers. Returns a pointer to the copied item.

public: SPAvector wire_law_data::eval (

double para, // parameter to evaluate

int deriv, // number of derivatives

int side // which side

= 0 //


Returns the position or one of its derivatives of the underlying curve at the give parameter position. The position is returned as a vector.

public: law** wire_law_data::map_laws (

law* in_law, // pointer to sublaw

int* out_size, // size of array

int type // type of mapping



Takes in a law and returns an array of laws and size of the array. The incoming law is split into an array of laws. Each array element corresponds to an underlying curve in the wire and has had its domain appropriately remapped. This is used by sweeping and wire-offsetting to apply a single law to all of the curves of a wire.

type = 0: param_rail is FALSE.

type = 1: used for mapping draft laws.

type = 2: param_rail param_rail is TRUE.

public: void wire_law_data::map_to_edge (

double in_param, // edge in list

int& which_edge, // edge

double& edge_param // edge parameter


Given a parameter, this method returns the edge in wire_law_data that contains the parameter, and the parameter on that edge.

public: double wire_law_data::max_curvature ();

Returns the maximum curvature for the wire.

public: virtual void wire_law_data::save ();

Saves the number of curves, and for each curve saved it calls the curve's save method and saves the starts, scales, and parameter ranges.

public: void wire_law_data::set_levels (

int in_point_level // number of levels

= 4,

int in_derivative_level // number of derivs

= 2


Sets the number of levels for the points stored and the derivatives stored.

public: logical wire_law_data::simple ();

Returns whether or not it is simple.

public: int wire_law_data::singularities (

double** where, // where discontinuities

// may exist

int** type, // type of discontinuity

double start, // start value

double end // end value


This specifies where in the given law there might be discontinuities. The array where notes where the discontinuity occurred. The type indicates 0 if there is a discontinuity, 1 if the discontinuity in the 1st derivative, and any integer n if the discontinuity is in the n-th derivative. -1 means that it is not defined.

public: char const* wire_law_data::symbol (

law_symbol_type type // type of law symbol


Returns the string that represents this law class's symbol. The symbol is used for parsing the law and for saving and restoring law-based geometry. For a law to be saved and restored, it must have or inherit this method.

The default law symbol for this class is WIRE.

Related Fncs: restore_law, restore_law_data, save_law