List of: Options
Subjects: Intersectors, Modeler Control
Contents: Kernel

Action: Controls whether or not pcurves are corrected when validity checks are performed.

Name String: fix_pcurves

Scheme: boolean #f, #t #t

Test Harness: integer 0, 1 1

C++: logical FALSE, TRUE TRUE

Description: This option is used whenever validity checks are performed on a pcurve. This happens whenever a CCS (curve-curve intersection on a surface) is done. The pcurve checking code checks various properties of the pcurve. If this option is on (true), the checking code will attempt to correct any properties that are not satisfied. If this option is off (false), there is no attempt to correct the pcurve.

Example: ; fix_pcurves

; Turn off pcurve fixing

(option:set "fix_pcurves" #f)

;; #t