List of: Law Symbols
Subjects: Laws
Contents: Kernel

Action: Creates a law that returns the positions of the defining surface.

Derivation: surface_law_data : base_surface_law_data : law_data : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Syntax: SURF

Description: surf returns the positions of the defining surface at the parameter value. This law symbol is a way to pass a surface into a law for other purposes, such as evaluation. The dimension of the input, my_surface_law_data, is two, but when surf is evaluated, it returns an item in three dimensions.

ACIS defines its own parameter range for a surface which is used by this law.

Example: ; law "SURF"

; Create a surface to evaluate. (define my_sphere (solid:sphere (position 0 0 0) 10))

;; my_sphere

; => #[entity 2 1]

(define my_surflaw (law "surf(surf1)"

(car (entity:faces my_sphere))))

;; my_surflaw

; => #[law "SURF(SURF1)"]

(define my_sveclaw (law "surfvec(law1,

vec(x,y,z), vec(a4, a5))" my_surflaw))

;; my_sveclaw

; my_sveclaw =>


(law:eval my_sveclaw (list 0 0 1 0 0))

;; (1 0 0 0)

; The law created takes an xyz vector and a uv

; position on the surface. It returns a uv vector

; in the direction of the given xyz vector at the

; given uv position on the surface. It also returns

; as the last two arguments the uv positions. The uv

; position is echoed.

; Here is an example at the pole.

(law:eval my_sveclaw

(list 1 1 0 (law:eval "pi/2") 0))

;; (-1 0 1.5707963267949 0.785398163401155)

; At the pole, this response means that you have to

; turn v by pi/4 to get the correct vector.