List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Booleans
Contents: Selective Booleans

Action: Creates a data structure used by selective Booleans.

Filename: sbool/sbool_scm/selective_scm.cxx

Syntax: (tube:options [keep-law-string keep-law]

[keep-branches-string branch-bool]

[bool-type-string bool-type]

["connected" logical]

["merge" logical]

["only_from" integer])

Arg Types: keep-law-string string

keep-law law

keep-branches-string string

branch-bool boolean

bool-type-string string

bool-type string

"connected" string

logical boolean

"merge" string

logical boolean

"only_from" integer

Returns: entity

Description: The purpose of the Tube-Options data structure is to hold information between selective Boolean operations stages 1 and 2 and to make selective Booleans accessible by other modeling operations. Sweeping, among other modeling operations, creates and uses this data structure. The data structure is used as input to bool:tube.

The options are explained in detail in the discussion topic Options for a Law Sweep and include:

- bool_type

- keep_branches

- keep_law

Example: ; tube:options

; Define some entities

(define b (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; b

(define c1 (solid:cylinder (position -5 5 2)

(position 15 5 2)1))

;; c1

(define c2 (solid:cylinder (position -5 5 8)

(position 15 5 8)1))

;; c2

(define c (solid:unite c1 c2))

;; c

(define start (list (list-ref (entity:faces c) 1)

(list-ref (entity:faces c) 4)))

;; start

(define end (list (list-ref (entity:faces c) 2)

(list-ref (entity:faces c) 5)))

;; end

(define opt1 (tube:options "keep_law" "x=0"

"bool_type" "UNITE"))

;; opt1

(define tube (bool:tube b c start end opt1)))

;; tube

; Another Example.

(define b (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; b

(define c (solid:cylinder (position -5 5 5)

(position 15 5 5)2))

;; c

(define start (list-ref (entity:faces c) 1))

;; start

(define end (list-ref (entity:faces c) 2))

;; end

(define opt1 (tube:options "keep_law"

"x=0" "bool_type" "unite"))

;; opt1


; #[Tube_Options "keep_law" X=0 "keep_branches"


(define d (bool:tube b c start end opt1))

;; d