List of: Scheme Data Types
Subjects: Healing, Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Scheme Support

Description: The tolerant edge class is a derived class of EDGE with a tolerance value. Unlike an edge, whose 3D representation is provided by its underlying curve, the 3D representation of a TEDGE is defined by the 3D geometry of its associated TCOEDGEs. The curve underlying a tolerant edge is used purely for graphic visualization.

The tolerance value of a tolerant edge indicates the maximum distance between any two equiparametric positions on any of its tolerant coedges. Two tolerant edges are coincident over an interval if the maximum of the minimum distance between the portion of their point sets bounded by the interval is less than the maximum of the tolerant edge's tolerance values. If the tolerance value is less than SPAresabs, then SPAresabs is used for coincidence checking.

A tolerant edge and an edge are coincident over an interval if the maximum of the minimum distance between the portion of their point sets bounded by the interval is less than the maximum of the tolerant edge's tolerance value and SPAresabs.

A tolerant edge with a single tolerant coedge will have a zero tolerance value. A tolerant edge may only be associated with tolerant coedges.

Derivation: tedge : edge : entity : scheme-object

C++ Type: TEDGE

External Rep: #[entity %d %d]

where the first integer is the entity ID,

and the second integer is the part ID.

Example: ; tedge (data type)

; Create something with tolerant topology

(define block1 (solid:block

(position 0 0 0) (position 50 50 50)))

;; block1

(define edge1 (car (entity:edges block1)))

;; edge1

(define tol_edge (edge:tolerant edge1))

;; tol_edge