List of: Scheme Data Types
Subjects: Model Object, Model Topology
Contents: Scheme Support

Description: A wire-body is a topological entity that is a body consisting of wires (as opposed to lumps). Wire bodies contain wires, loops, coedges, edges, and vertices. wire-body objects are saved and restored as part of the model.

Derivation: wire-body : body : entity : scheme-object

C++ Type: BODY

External Rep: #[entity %d %d]

where the first integer is the entity ID,

and the second integer is the part ID.

Example: ; wire-body (data type)

; Create and inquire a wire-body object.

(define my_edge (edge:circular

(position 0 0 0) 25 180 270))

;; my_edge

(define my_body (wire-body my_edge))

;; my_body

(wire-body? my_body)

;; #t