List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Intersectors

Action: Performs all the tolerant edge tests that apply to the curve of this edge. (Amalgamates together a number of more basic tests.).

Filename: intr/intr_scm/tmchk_scm.cxx

Syntax: (tm-check:tedge edge)

Arg Types: edge tedge

Returns: (tm-chk-info ...)

Errors: Argument is not a TEDGE.

Description: Performs all the tm-check tests that apply to this edge curve, without reference to any of the edge's coedges. This test performs in order: tm-check:tedge-crv-non-g1, tm-check:tedge-bad-crv. A list of any tm-chk-info error objects that are generated is returned (or an empty list if all is fine).

edge is an argument of type TEDGE on which all the tolerant edge tests are performed.

Example: ; tm-check:tedge

; Check all tolerant edge checks.

(define b (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; b

(define e (car (tolerant:fix (car

(entity:edges b)))))

;; e

(tm-check:tedge e)

;; ()

; edge geometry is fine