List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Construction Geometry
Contents: Kernel

Action: Evaluates the straight line, which is tangent to a planar bs3curve, and passes it through the given point.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/crv_scm.cxx

Syntax: (curve:bs3-eval-tan-pt curve point guess-param)

Arg Types: curve edge

point position

guess-param real

Returns: position

Description: Determines a position on a bs3_curve where a line from a given position is tangent to the curve. Uses a guess parameter value to aid the solution (especially where there are multiple solutions).

curve is the input bs3curve whose tangent position has to be determined.

point is the input position that lies on the required line.

guess-param is the guess parameter value to aid the solution (especially where there are multiple solutions).

Example: ; curve:bs3-eval-tan-pt

; Create a spline edge.

(define spl (edge:spline (list

(position 0 0 0) (position 5 5 0)

(position 10 15 0) (position 15 20 0)

(position 20 15 0) (position 25 5 0)

(position 30 0 0))))

;; spl

; Determine the tangent point on the curve that

; passes through the position (0 25 0).

(curve:bs3-eval-tan-pt spl (position 0 25 0) 20)

;; #[position 15.6785064292946 19.8870807275491 0]