List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Feature Naming
Contents: Kernel

Action: Returns the string stored in the derived_tag.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/anno_scm.cxx

Syntax: (derived-tag:string tag)

Arg Types: tag string

Returns: string

Description: Returns the string stored in the derived_tag.

Useful for debugging annotations since the user can tag entities before an operation and verify the correct tags are copied into the input of the annotation.

Example: ; derived-tag:string

; Create block.

(define block (solid:block (position -10 -10 -10)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; block

; Pick an edge.

(define e (pick:edge (ray (position 0 0 0)

(gvector 1 1 0))))

;; e

; Attach derived tag to an edge.

(define attach (entity:attach-derived-tag e


;; attach

; Attach a constant radius blend attribute to edge.

(define const-rad (blend:const-rad-on-edge e 6))

;; const-rad

; Set annotation option to on.

(define option1 (option:set "annotations" #t))

;; option1

(define option2 (option:set "unhook_annotations" #f))

;; option2

; Create a blend function on a blend network/list of

; edges).

(define blend (blend:network e))

;; blend

; Pick a face.

(define f (pick:face (ray (position 0 0 0)

(gvector 1 1 0))))

;; f

(define anno (annotation:assert


"blend_face" f))

;; anno

; Get a tag string from anno.

(derived-tag:string (car

(annotation:inputs anno #f)))

;; "blend_edge"