List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Graph Theory
Contents: Kernel

Action: Sets the weight for an edge of a graph.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/graph_scm.cxx

Syntax: (graph:edge-weight in-graph {edge-name weight} |

{vertex-name1 vertex-name2 weight})

Arg Types: in-graph graph

edge-name string

weight real

vertex-name1 string

vertex-name2 string

Returns: graph

in-graph specifies a graph.

edge-name specifies the edge by name.

weight specifies the value to be assigned.

vertex-name1 and vertex-name2 specifies the edge by naming the two bounding vertices.

Example: ; graph:edge-weight

; Create a simple graph.

(define g1 (graph "a-b b-c c-e c-d c-f f-g f-h"))

;; g1

(graph:edge-weight g1 "a" "b" 3)

;; #[graph "a-b b-c c-d c-e c-f f-g f-h"]

(graph:edge-weight g1 "c-e" 5)

;; #[graph "a-b b-c c-d c-e c-f f-g f-h"]

(graph:total-weight g1)

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